Margit Mayers Literaturliste zum
HS Obdachlosigkeit in Nordamerika und Deutschland

1. Historische Entwicklungen
2. Who are the Homeless? How many are there?
3. Auswertung der konkurrierenden Erklärungsansätze und ihrer jeweiligen Konsequenzen
4. Homelessness as a Gendered Issue
5. (Sozial?)Politische Maßnahmen und Strategien (Veränderungen in den politischen Strategien seit den 80er Jahren)
6. Shelters, Container oder WAS?
7. Die Rolle von 3. Sektor Organisationen
8. Selbstorganisation und Widerstand: Obdachlose als gesellschaftliche Akteure
9. Rolle von Obdachlosenzeitungen und elektronischen Medien
10. Was ist spezifisch deutsch? kanadisch? US-amerikanisch?

1. Historische Entwicklungen

Charles Hoch, "A Brief History of the Homeless Problem in the United States," in: Richard D. Bingham u.a., eds., The Homeless in Contemporary Society. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1987.

Carol L. M. Caton, "Homelessness in Historical Perspective," erstes Kapitel in: Carol L. M. Caton, Homeless in America. New York: Oxford UP, 1990.

Wolfgang John, ...ohne festen Wohnsitz... Ursachen und Geschichte der Nichtsesshaftigkeit und die Möglichkeiten der Hilfe. Bielefeld: Verlag Soziale Hilfe 1988.

2. Who are the Homeless? How many are there?

Jonathan Kozol, Rachel and her Children: Homeless Families in America. New York: Crown Publ., 1988.

Christopher Jencks, The Homeless. Cambridge: Harvard UP 1994.

Jennifer Wolch, Michael Dear, Malign Neglect. Homelessness in an American City. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publ., 1993.

Joel Blau, The Visible Poor. Homelessness in the United States. New York: Oxford UP, 1992.

Davis A. Snow & Leon Anderson, Down on Their Luck: A Study of Homeless Street People. Berkeley: UC Press, 1993.

Martha R. Burt, Barbara E. Cohen, America's Homeless. Numbers, Characteristics, and Programs to Serve Them. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press, 1989.

James D. Wright, Address Unknown. The Homeless in America. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1989.

Marjorie Hope & James Young, The Faces of Homelessness. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1986.


Bundesforschungsanstalt f. Landesplanung und Raumforschung, Obdachlosigkeit in den neuen Bundesländern. Materialien zur Raumentwicklung, Band 52, Bonn, 1993.

Ralf Könen, Wohnungsnot und Obdachlosigkeit im Sozialstaat. Frankfurt: Campus, 1990.

Eckhard Rohrmann, Ohne Arbeit - ohne Wohnung. Wie Arme zu Nichtseßhaften werden. Heidelberg 1987

3. Auswertung der konkurrierenden Erklärungsansätze und ihrer jeweiligen Konsequenzen

Jennifer R. Wolch, Michael Dear, Andrea Akita, "Explaining Homelessness," Journal of the American Planning Association 54:4 (Autumn 1988)

Jencks vs. Snow u.a., zusätzlich zu den genannten Texten können Rezensionen herangezogen werden, z.B.

Christopher Jencks, "The Homeless," New York Review of Books, April 21, 1994

James Wright, Peter Rossi u.a., "Lost in the Streets: Homelessness in America," Contemporary Sociology, ... 1994.

Norbert Preusser, ObDach. Eine Einführung in die Politik und Praxis sozialer Aussonderung. Weinheim, Basel 1993.

4. Homelessness as a Gendered Issue

Stacy Rowe & Jennifer Wolch, "Social Networks in Time and Space: Homeless Women in Skid Row, Los Angeles," Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 80:2 (June 1990)

Patricia A. Sullivan & Shirley P. Damrosch, "Homeless Women and Children," in: Richard D. Bingham u.a., eds., The Homeless in Contemporary Society. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1987.

S. Golden, the Women Outside: Meanings and Myths of Homelessness. Berkeley, Ca.: UC Press, 1992.

5. (Sozial?)Politische Maßnahmen und Strategien (Veränderungen in den politischen Strategien seit den 80er Jahren)

Michael Massing, "The Welfare Blues," New York Review of Books, march 24, 1994.

Michael J. Dear, Jennifer R. Wolch, Landscapes of Despair. From Deinstitutionalization to Homelessness. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP, 1987.

Donna Wilson Kirchheimer, "Sheltering the Homeless in New York City: Expansion in an Era of Government Contraction," Political Science Quarterly, 104:4 (Winter 1989-90).

Hearing on "Homelessness in America", U.S. House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Housing and Community Development of the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, at the Community for Creative Non-Violence Shelter, April 23, 1993.

U.S. Government, Priority: Home! The Federal Plan to Break the Cycle of Homelessness. Washington, D.C. 1994.

Malcolm Gladwell, "The Road to Homelessness, Paved with Good Intentions. Conflicting federal, state and city policies stand in the way of a roof over families' heads," The Washington Post National Weekly Edition, May 2-8, 1994.

6. Shelters, Container oder WAS?

Krzystof Wodiczko, "Designs and Interviews for the Homeless Vehicle Project," White Walls. A Magazine of Writings by Artists, 19, Spring 1988.

Michael deCourcy Hinds, "From Philadelphia, A Coat for the Homeless," New York Times, Feb 29, 1992.

7. Die Rolle von 3.Sektor Organisationen

Michael Lipsky, Steven Rathgeb Smith, "Nonprofit Organizations, Government, and the Welfare State," Political Science Quarterly, 104:4 (Winter 1989-90).

Mary Anderson Cooper, "The Role of Religious and Nonprofit Organizations in Combating Homelessness," in: Richard D. Bingham u.a., eds., The Homeless in Contemporary Society. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1987.

Allen David Heskin, "Los Angeles: Innovative Local Approaches," in: Richard D. Bingham u.a., eds., The Homeless in Contemporary Society. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1987.

Friedrich Gerstenberger, "Wertewandel in der Diakonie: Modernisierungsgrenzen intermediärer Organisationen im Arbeitsfeld "Hilfen für alleinstehende Wohnungslose"

8. Selbstorganisation und Widerstand: Obdachlose als gesellschaftliche Akteure

David Wagner, Checkerboard Square. Culture and Resistance in a Homeless Community. Boulder, Co.: Westview Press, 1993.

David Wagner, Marcia B. Cohen, "The Power of the People: Homeless Protesters in the Aftermath of Social Movement Participation," Social Problems 38:4 (November 1991)

Marcia Cohen, David Wagner, "Acting on their Own Behalf: Affiliation and Political Mobilization among Homeless People," Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 19:4, 1992

Leon Anderson, David A. Snow, Daniel Cress, "Negotiating the Public Realm: Stigma Management and Collective Action among the Homeless," Research in Community Sociology, Supplement 1, JAI Press, 1994, S.121-143.

Sue Ruddick, Young and Homeless in Hollywood: Mapping Social Identities. Routledge: London, 1995.

Dan Cress & David Snow, American Journal of Sociology 1996

Leon Anderson, David A. Snow, Daniel Cress, "Negotiating the Public Realm: Stigma Management and Collective Action among the Homeless," Research in Community Sociology, Supplement 1, JAI press, 1994, S.121-143.

Talmadge Wright, "Forging Collective Identities: Student and Homeless Resistance to Spatial Dispersement," 1993

Christof Schaffelder, "Food not Bombs! Eine Obdachloseninitiative in San Francisco," Scheinschlag, Zeitung aus Mitte, 16.2.-1.3., 1995


Stefan Schneider, "obdachlos in berlin," binfo 19, Feb 1993.

Stefan Schneider, Wohnungslosigkeit in Berlin. Berlin 1995.

Pressemappe zur "Plattengruppe" in Köpenick

Thomas Knorr-Siedow, Walther Willmer, Sozialverträglicher Umgang mit unkonventionellen mobilen Wohnformen am Beispiel des Wohnens in Wohnwagendörfern oder Wagenburgen. IRS, Oktober 1994.

9. Rolle von Obdachlosenzeitungen und elektronischen Medien

Streetwise, Motz etc.

Hinz & Kunz (siehe Christiane Grefe, "Bewegung gegen den rasenden Stillstand," taz 14.2.96)

10. Was ist spezifisch deutsch? kanadisch? US-amerikanisch?

Rudolph H. Knight, "Homelessness: An American Problem?" in: Richard D. Bingham u.a., eds., The Homeless in Contemporary Society. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1987.


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